Friday, January 9, 2015

Whole 30 Baked Salmon and Roasted Broccolini

So one thing you will learn about me is that the meals I make are usually pretty simple and do not take a lot of time to prep or cook. Being over five months pregnant and caring for two young kids (AKA being constantly side-tracked) doesn't allow me much time to dabble in the art of cooking.  However occasionally the stars do line up (you know, the husband is watching the kids or one kid is napping), and I get to play! Yay!

Tonight is Friday (yay!) so tonight's dinner will be fish: wild-caught sockeye salmon. I try to save my fish or seafood dishes for Friday/the weekends so that my husband isn't "that guy" at work that stinks up the office kitchen when he reheats fish. On another note, if you noticed my emphasis on "wild-caught," it's because a while ago I watched a Ted Talk about farm-raised fish practices. After watching that episode I stopped buying "farm-raised" fishes and sadly, one of my favorite fishes: tilapia. It is one of the most highly farm-raised fishes, and the tilapia available to me is always labeled as "farm-raised." I'll still eat it occasionally since it is very commonly used in Asian dishes but now I only look for fish with the "wild-caught" labels.

Tonight's Dinner:
Baked Salmon and Roasted Broccolini
Base recipe:

This is how I plan on modifying the recipe:

Coconut Oil
Sea Salt
Fresh Cracked Black Pepper
Minced Garlic
Dried Parsley
Lemon Wedges


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Cut a sheet of foil (big enough for you to enclose the fish into a foil pack).
3. Spread some melted coconut oil on the foil then the lay fish skin-side down on foil.
4. Season the fish with sea salt. Pat the minced garlic onto the meat of the fish. Then add fresh cracked pepper. Generously sprinkle the dried parsley. Fold the foil together to create a closed pack.

4. Cook foil pack. I had to cook mine for about 15 minutes because I was using a whole fillet (time depends on how much you're cooking). You don't want it to be completely done, but close.
5. Unfold foil to open pack and broil for another 3-5 minutes and serve with lemon wedges.

Roasted Broccolini:

Coconut Oil
Kosher Salt


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. I started my broccolini first before fish since it takes a little longer to cook than the fish.
2. Rinse broccolini and spread them out on a sheet of foil on top of a cookie sheet.
3.Sprinkle kosher salt all over.
4. Drizzle all over with melted coconut oil.
5. Cook for about 20 minutes.

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